Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ongoing Saga of Dumb Ideas - Part 4

As with anything that I am left in charge of things tend to go wrong.

I know I thought that I would be so clever and do all the stencils. I went to the store to get some type of temporary glue. The very "helpful" girl found some glue for stencils. I came home, applied glue to the stencils and put them on the wall. I even had time to paint. I was so proud of myself. Feeling rather clever I went to bed. The next day I went to peel the stencils off and found them glued to the wall!

So a day of peeling the stencils off and ruining them, scraping off glue and stencil bits and finally having to repaint the wall I actually considered just leaving the wall plain.

Then my MIL came over and laughed at my mishap.

Armed with newfound determination, I made a new stencil of just letters and started all over. It looks good, but OMG!

So..... I FINALLY got all the letters stenciled and pitched the stencil cause it was worn out.

Yeah, that was on garbage day.

After the garbage truck left, I noticed this.....

Yup, there should be a "who" in this hole.

Just when I thought I was done with the stencils.......

I feel like Santa Claus.

I'm making a graphic,

Checking it twice.......

So now to do some touch-up work.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness so much work! but it looks fabulous...and you did something I would do forgetting the who..so me!! why do projects always take way more time then we expect?

www.thewhitefarmhouse2.blogspot.com said...

Thank you! It is taking alot of time to do. I have learned over the years though, I gave myself until Christmas to have this done. I'm glad that I am way ahead of my deadline!