Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our Visitors

This weekend we had some very special visitors!

First was a butterfly that dropped by just to entertain.

Weeell that is until she threw down her wings and pouted. I asked her why and she said "cause her wings are broke they don't make her fly!"

Crazy kid.

The next was Hannah Montana.

Jeffy decided this wig was cool and wore it about all weekend. I don't know if it was really cool or just drove his sister crazy that he was really into. A football jersey and a Hannah Montana wig, what a combination!

We got some BIG gophers here in Michigan!

Actually we did get all the postholes dug. Being Father's Day and my MIL's Birthday, we did not get too much done. Being lazy people, we don't get things done too quickly either!

I did get this jungle tamed though.

There is a huge lilac bush, an arborvitae and 2 boxwoods in this corner. I cut out the bushes and arborvitae and now I need my husband to pull the roots. My husband told me he has been surprised cause usually I am the queen of clipping hedges and I have never touched these. I told him to let his imagination go and look at them. Tell me what you see.

His answer was overgrown bushes.

So I told him to go away for awhile. Since I was going to pull them anyways, I trimmed them the way they should be. Then told him to come back and look.

He still didn't see it.

The 13 year old walks up and says "Oh gross! That looks like a penis and 2 balls!"

Needless to say the bushes went.

I'm still disturbed at how the 13 year old saw it and not my husband though.

Now it looks like this.

Much better! I still got more to pull out of there, but you can see in there now.