Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Ongoing Saga of Dumb Ideas - Part 2

Well in my world things run smoothly, projects get done on a timely basis, life is good.

In reality it rarely works like that.

I spent a lot of time planning and planning for this project.

I decided that I would have to break down and make a stencil for each word and then put the words on the wall. The saying is for a space larger than my space. If you are a midget the ceiling is high. Normal sized people can touch it no problem.

Now to make the stencils

I say that like it is an easy thing!

I'm using the coluzzles again. First you have to "trace" the plastic template to make the word.

In my laziness I have excluded some of the wording. When you are doing this many words some sentences seemed redundant.

Then you have to cut away the extra paper to make the stencil.

If anybody needs me I will be at the kitchen table.


Anonymous said...

I love "I love Lucey", used to watcht his show all the time!! Good Luck~

www.thewhitefarmhouse2.blogspot.com said...

I love lucy too! (just typed juicy yikes!) My husband tells me I get more like her everyday!