The bathroom is near enough done to actually have guests in without being embarrassed!
I forgot to take before pics before I hit it with the cleaning bug!

I swear on the stack of bibles now proudly displayed in here that we did NOT live like this!

At times it does feel this cruddy, but it is not....

Ok, those shelves did look that cruddy. Crap hanging off the edges and stuff crammed in them. Hence the cleaning!

And that really did look that blah....

Oh yeah, I was "trying" something....
But now.....
Are you ready?
I don't think you are.
Do you have to go pee? Get a drink or anything?
Alrighty then....
Here we go!
Where there was clutter....

There is now peace. I can actually leave the door open for people to see! I am still planning on taking down the ugly medicine cabinet on this wall so the molding is waiting. I am going to redo it. The beadboard wallpaper is leftover from the kitchen. Just enough to do in here! The paint is leftover from my bedroom. I ended up finding the rest I had saved, so I didn't have to repaint!
Can you say hallelujah?!
What's that? You want a closer look at the little vignette on the wall?

I framed up pics of my grandparents, added a violet that I hadn't killed yet, a cameo cause it did not seem right to put out a pic of my grandma without a cameo somewhere close by and apothecary bottles filled with wonderful fizzy bath salts.
I love my grandparents. They were sooo cute. When they were first married, my grandma got a set of cookware. She had never cooked a day in her life. I guess her cooking was so horrible that my grandfather buried the cookware in the yard and told her until she learned how to cook she wasn't getting it back!
So she went to school and became a chef!
Then there was the streaker story....
Anyways, back to the bathroom....

This has been replaced with....

THIS! I think I love this the most. I sanded, primed, painted and urethaned the countertops in here. I also took out the backsplash that matched the countertops and replaced it with a travertine tile.

I popped a plant in my dad's old shaving cup and put the brush there. It kinda hides my hubby's electric thingy.
Wow! That sounded bad!

The other side of the sink we have a toothbrush holder, a pretty cut glass decanter filled with mouthwash, a milk glass candy dish filled with delicious soaps from Cindy @
The Real Soap Co, a milk glass tophat with q-tips and a candle I switched out which you will see later.
But first.... Cindy's soaps.... talk about a bit of heaven on earth! OMG! I am in love! Cindy don't you ever stop making soap or I will boycott bathing for the rest of my life! I am so in love! The fragrance that comes from these little pearls is scrumptious! Go on and shop at Cindy's, I'll wait....
Back?! Did I not tell you it is wonderful? Just wait til you get your package! You will kiss me full on the lips if you ever meet me for hooking you up with Cindy!
Back to the bathroom....

Remember the ugly shelves? I hid them with a curtain like the one on the window. A tension rod, some rings and voila! what shelves?! The top shelf has been turned into a vignette. I did swap out the candle on the counter for this sweet little cast iron bird I found today for 3.00!

I guess I have an affinity for birds. My mom told me once that when I was younger there were these kids beating on a poor bird. I ran up and beat them as well as a 5 year old could and brought the bird home for mom to "fix".
And now to that ugly window....
....which is ugly no more! I took down the wood shade and added the plantation shutters for 8.00. The valance I made from a curtain I had. The little box vignette is just to add interest.

This vignette is very special to me. The mirror and hairbrush are a set that my mother gave to me. I remember when I was young, about 3, and we went to visit my great grandmother in Tennessee. She was sitting in a chair and she took like 1 pin out of her hair and this tumble of hair fell to the floor. My mother sat there and brushed her hair with a silver brush set like this. The postcard is from my older sister that I have not seen in about 40 years. It is one of my prized possessions. The little teapot pincushion reminds me of my great aunt Lily who used to sew us new school uniforms every summer.
Such sweet memories....
And now if you would like to linger in here a little longer....

....some reading material. You got your choice of Country Living, an Australia guide book or Uncle John's bathroom book.
Take your time....
but leave a comment when you are done.
You know I am a shameless hussy for comments!