So yesterday I took some time to do some thinking. It was pretty painless. I was surprised I didn't hurt myself actually. I needed a game plan for the girls room on how to proceed once it is crap free.
See these two pieces are going. I found them when I was cleaning under all the junk. Just kidding! But both the girls stuff don't fit in them. My much larger chest will hold their stuff and not take up as much room. You know the chest that is still in my room waiting to be swapped out with the one up north? Yeah that one.
I got these cleared off, cleaned up all the pencil drawings and weeded through the clothes. Think it is safe to say that the bitty one has outgrown the 12 mo outfits in there.
Yup, that would be the one. Don't blame me for that outfit, she dressed herself. You can see what I mean though. She is wearing an old dress that works as a shirt now.
Anyways, in my superwoman determined mode, I slapped them on Craigslist....
and sold them 2 hours later.
Now before you congratulate me, think about this. The dresser for this room is still in my room with Dad's clothes in it. Said dresser still needs to be painted also. The dresser to replace it is still up north with no hope of coming home in the next two weeks. So, the million dollar question is.....
Who's clothes get thrown in a laundry basket?
Mom's! It's all her damn fault anyways! I have no idea how I ended up getting the short end of this stick.
I can live with it though cause yesterday I had to do some thinking. I do my best thinking when I am sewing though. Don't ask why..... You can ask what I was sewing though. I'll let ya.
I do have a tutorial on how to do them coming up.
And as excited as I was about the butterfly project, I didn't do anything about it yet. I do have a frame that I am planning on using though. The glass broke so I need to replace that and have a mat cut. Then 70 butterflies....
Very kewl!!! You are on your way!!
P.S. I think in spanish mom translates to short end of the stick!!!
You're making great progress! It's a domino effect isn't it? My painting in the kitchen has caused the house to fall apart, and I keep tossing crap out. :)
Keep sewing!!
The picture of your daughter, with her litle self-made outfit made me giggle; so cute, how many times do I recall my little girl (now 16) changes her clothes like 10 different times in one morning : ) Enjoy these times now, I miss them!
The pleated valances are super, such handi-work!
Dear Maggie,
It's good to know that you've got a much larger chest !!!! Haha.
You're getting on like a house on fire. You will have that house in such good shape soon that you wont know what to do with yourself !!
I love your daughter in the clothes she dressed herself in. They all seem to go through that stage !! Adorable. XXXX
Will you please slow down! For mercy sakes!!! You are giving me a guilt headache! I am such a sloth compared to you. I don't know anyone, but superwoman Maggie, that can see 2 things on ebay in 2 hours. I am very proud of you. Whatever you are eating, drinking etc. for all that superhuman energy send some my way. An e-mail is upcoming. I have had people in and out of my house for the last 2 days. But now we are covered with tons of snow so I will have time to sit and write to you!
Your little one is so adorable!
I am playing catch up once again tonight and I love the butterfly idea! I am sure that you will get it all done in your record time as you are moving so fast that you MUST be down a few pounds too!! Have a great week-end Maggie! xo
My girls love wearing old dresses as shirts!!! You have been so busy!!!
Nothing like getting rid of the existing furniture to motivate to get the other furniture refinished! :-) It IS pretty awesome that you sold it in TWO hours though. That photo of your daughter is so cute - it looks like she's saying "you can't have this dresser - I'm not movin'!"
Good Morning Maggie- We have 3 feet of snow here and our road is completely drifted shut! I know that is probably nothing for a northern girl like you- but it is so much fun to be snowed in.
Thanks for your oh, so kind comments. There is a link to the cheesecake stuffed chocolate strawberry recipe on my Sunday recipe I posted on my Menu plan. I know, don't they look just too good? I will post Beef Wellington on Foodie Friday in a week or so.
Because of the snow I have had the baking bug. And you know me... I am NOT a baker. I made delicious cream scones for breakfast (upcoming post) and now I am going to make bread. Pray that the house doesn't explode!
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